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Topic Review (Newest First)
Unregistered Twice I've registered for these forums (handle MrBrain), both times the system seemingly loses my information. I can't retrieve/reset the password. I can't register for a new account. I can't email curlingzone because their mailbox is full.

What's up with this?

dinorock2005 A postscript. My Blackberry, the phone I have been so embarrassed about, and so proud of, expired yesterday after a short illness, a rebound after being on life support and finally a total crash. It was two. In smartphone years that is 187. Linda, myself and our puppies are glad it lived long enough to remove the pictures and contacts. We are also grateful that 'Blackie' is out of his misery, and that he will never have to listen to the snickers, and guffaws from the tech elite with their I-Phones. For those of you who never snickered, but only politely turned away, the family thanks you. We are eternally grateful for your kindness.

Blackie has been replaced by a shiny, white, new, BLACKBERRY! You may say "Dino, why oh why would you go that route again?" Two simple reasons. Buy Canadian. (And RIM needs the sales.) And the second reason is that when I see people walking, driving, jogging, on romantic dates in restaurants, with their noses buried in their phones, I realise that sometimes being way behind the tech curve is not a bad thing. (C'mon Rim! Buck up and get that new model out! The TSX needs you!)
Originally posted by Marc Bernard
I was driving by the RIM campus a few minutes ago, and saw lots of smiling faces. Either they weren't voted off the island, or they read this post.
Thanks Marc. I imagine there is a little bit of stress in the tech sector right now.
Marc Bernard I was driving by the RIM campus a few minutes ago, and saw lots of smiling faces. Either they weren't voted off the island, or they read this post.
dinorock2005 I know I am retired, but like Old Pete from accounting I still hang around to catch up on gossip and fill my pockets with free donuts from the coffee room. (******, do you think YOU could live on a CZ pension? If it wasn't for Twoonie Tuesday at Bulk Barn I would starve! Anybody for peanut brittle and jaw breakers?) And no help from CPP until I am 67. Thanks Steve. (You jerk!)

So when I browse the new posts and click on an item, on more than one occasion the banner ad at the top comes up, but underneath blue screen. Anybody else having this trouble? Is it time to upgrade my Model T laptop? A little help for the retired guy please.

So seeing I am here I am going to relate a story to you all. (Sit down. Grab a coffee. This won't be as painful as my stories usually are.) This is a story about tech, and how it effects some of us. With RIM possibly on the way out, it is appropriate.

Two years ago I updated my phone from a regular Samsung cell to a Blackberry. It was THE state of the art phone. It was THE Blackberry that wasn't free. Cost me a hundred bucks with a three year contract. But it was worth it. For once in my life I was ahead of the tech curve....On top of the tech game....The biggest dog in the tech valley.....Then three weeks after my purchase Blackberry came out with a new model. THREE FRIGGING WEEKS. I could not believe it took only three weeks to go from a Porshe to a Lada, but that has always been my experience with new stuff. And of course now The Blackberry has been left in a cloud of dust by the I-phone.

So here's the story. At work at the refinery our lunch room is located in the middle of a live unit. It is a large, windowless portable with two heavy doors. Basicly a blast proof sea can. And recently the edict came from above to keep the big heavy doors closed. It can not be a blast proof lunchroom if the doors are open. Makes sense.
Oh, the cries and tears and whining from all the tech savvy younger guys. You see, the doors were propped open so that their I-phones would get reception. And now that the doors are closed, nothing. Nada. Bupkis. But my outdated Blackberry? The one I have been reluctent to pull out at restaraunts because it dates me more than my flowing greying hair? Well, it works like a charm. Not a problem. Nada. Bupkis.

Where ever you may be, thank you Jim Basillie. And to Apple. Up yours!!

(I hate what you new guys have done to The Pit. All this curling talk. What the hell. But at least the donuts are still free!)