USA Curling

Questions and Answers
Who\What introduced you to Curling?
I am a first generation curler. My state in curling was while I was a student at the University of Minnesota-Mankato. My friend's dad, Ron Wiebold, started the college curling program up in 1990 while his daughter was in college, and when his daughter finished college, the program fizzled out. I curled just two years there, transferred to the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1993, and have been curling at the Madison Curling Club ever since. I wasn't hooked on the sport until my then skip, Lisa Schoeneberg, told me about the inaugural USWCA Five & Under Bonspiel. With her encouragement, I skipped a team there, and after much breath-holding made it to the first event finals. Though we lost in the finals that year, it was the first taste of competitive curling that made me a curler for life.

What kind of goals have you set for yourself?
Always my goal is to improve and bring out the best in my teammates. Our team goal is to qualify for world competition.

What hobbies do you have?
Recently I've taken to biking. I biked in the last two AIDS fund-raising rides (400 miles in six days) and completing a century ride during each of these is still a highlight. I've been playing softball for 25 years and am a rookie golf player.

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