USA Curling

Questions and Answers
Who\What introduced you to Curling?
My family and I are Canadians by birth, and my father curled in Canada long before I was a twinkle in his eye. When my father was transferred to Madison, Wis., for his job, he stumbled across the Madison Curling Club. My brother and I were practically raised at the curling club in the wintertime. I remember sitting on the curling stones and pushing each other around on the ice; once we got too big to do that, we started playing.

Do you have any pre-game superstitions or rituals?
Often times before or after a game my team and I will play chicken foot or euchre. I always win!

Who was influential in your curling development?
My father, because he has always supported me in everything I do. He also gave me some great curling genes.

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