Questions and Answers
Who\What introduced you to Curling?
I was around the curling club and on the ice a lot when I was young because my dad and mom were always curling, but I never really got into it. I was more into hockey but when I had to have heart surgery I had to quit hockey. So I took curling as a winter sport my freshman year. But I would credit my start in competitive curling to my dad and Bev Schroeder. They both got me into playing down and playing bonspiels, and I have been hooked ever since.

What kind of goals have you set for yourself?
I want to learn something new from each game and my biggest goal is to play in the Olympics and medal.

What do you enjoy most about curling?
What I enjoy most about curling is the competition and the fact that you could go play at a 'spiel and end up playing a world champion.

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